COVID-19 Updates and FAQs
All Valley Eye Associates’ locations are ready to serve you. Please call ahead for an appointment. In addition, all Park Place Optical locations are open to take care of your glasses and contact lens needs. No appointment is necessary at Park Place Optical.
Below are a few frequently asked questions to help you prepare for your appointment:
What measures has Valley Eye Associates taken to protect patients and visitors?
Valley Eye Associates has been and always will be committed to providing the best care possible for our patients and visitors. Masks are optional for patients and staff, but we do encourage all visitors and staff to wear a mask if they are experiencing cold/flu symptoms.
Patients may request that the Valley Eye Associates staff wear a mask during their visit. We want patients to feel comfortable and safe, so we are happy to accommodate the request, especially if we are not able to social distance for an extended period of time.
*Encircle Health Patients: Masks will be required to enter the Encircle Health building. Patients may remove their mask, if they choose, upon entering the Valley Eye Associates clinic.
Are there any measures that I as the patient need to take before coming to my appointment?
We have taken many measures on your behalf, including screening to create the safest possible environment. If you are not feeling well or have been in close contact with someone who is sick, we do ask that you please wear a mask or call to reschedule your appointment.
Is it safe to have eye surgery during the pandemic?
Yes, we believe it is. There have been no known cases of COVID-19 (SARSCOV-2) transmission from eye surgery.
Can I get COVID-19 by having surgery?
The virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person to person. While there have been no known cases of COVID-19 transmission from eye surgery, it is always important to practice pre-surgery precautions like diligent handwashing leading up to and following your surgery.
How does VEA respect social distancing?
We are taking several measures to respect social distancing. We have greatly limited traffic in our lobby areas by spacing out chairs. We have also installed shields at all front desk locations.
May I bring a driver with me to my appointment?
Many times you will be unable to drive following a procedure, so it is recommended that you arrange for a family member or friend to drive you. As of Monday, June 7, all patients may have someone accompany them for appointments.