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Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)

Welcome to the PRK Education Center

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) is a precise, minimally invasive method of reshaping the cornea to reduce or eliminate your dependence on glasses or contact lenses. If you’ve been told you’re not an ideal candidate for LASIK due to thin or irregularly shaped corneas, PRK may be an excellent alternative.

After exploring our PRK Education Center, contact us to schedule your Free VIP Consultation to learn more about your options at Valley Eye Associates.

Free VIP Consultation

Learn more about PRK and see if it’s the right option for you during a Free VIP Consultation with one of our surgery counselors!

Who Is a Candidate for PRK?

The best way to know for sure if you’re a candidate is to meet with us for a Free VIP Consultation. During that consultation, we will take detailed measurements of your eyes and discuss your lifestyle and vision goals. All this information will help us inform you if you’re a candidate for PRK. Thanks to advances in technology, nearly all our patients are candidates for either PRK, iLASIK or one of our other advanced vision correction procedures. When you have PRK at Valley Eye Associates, you’ll experience the most extensive preoperative diagnostic testing available and can meet with our doctors to answer all of your questions.

Young woman hiking

PRK Procedure

During the procedure, a brush is used to remove the cornea’s outer covering, instead of creating a flap as is done with LASIK. Then, an excimer laser is used to gently reshape the next layer of tissue from the cornea’s surface, reshaping the cornea to achieve the desired correction. This remodeling of the cornea helps the eye to focus properly, thus reducing or eliminating the need for eyeglasses and contact lenses. A clear bandage contact lens is placed on your cornea for protection immediately afterward to maximize your comfort while the eye heals.

After PRK, a patient’s vision improves gradually. During the 24-48 hours after the treatment, most patients will experience a gritty sensation in the eye as well as some discomfort. Prescription eye drops are used for several months following the procedure. Typically the patient will notice improved vision 3-5 days following the treatment. Nearly all patients are able to return to work and most daily activities within 3-4 days.

Dr. Michael Vrabec performing a LASIK procedure

PRK Technology

Advanced technology for exceptional results:

  • iDesign and CustomVue Treatments help us capture a “fingerprint” image of the eye’s imperfections for a treatment unique to each patient.
  • Iris Registration and Eye Tracker Technology function like an eye scanner and help the laser perfectly track the eye during the procedure.
  • The VISX Star Laser offers the highest level of laser precision for PRK by providing accuracy up to 0.25 microns (for reference, a human hair is about 70 microns thick).

© Johnson & Johnson Vision

Watch the video above to learn more about the iDesign system.

Unsurpassed Results

In the U.S. clinical trials for laser correction of nearsightedness (PRK), outcomes were found to be comparable to LASIK, with no difference in accuracy.

Experience You Can Trust

With over 25 years of experience, Dr. Vrabec has performed more than 40,000 refractive procedures and is the first and most experienced PRK surgeon in Wisconsin. We offer a variety of vision correction procedures, to offer the best treatment plan for each and every patient.

Mother and daughter looking at tablet

PRK Affordability

PRK is a fantastic investment in your vision and your future — it’s also a big investment! Valley Eye Associates is committed to providing the best PRK program in the region, and we’re also committed to making PRK affordable for as many people as possible. That’s why we’ve partnered with CareCredit to create a variety of payment plan options for you. We hope these payment plan options can help you envision how PRK might fit into your financial goals!

In addition to patient financing options, you may also consider your Health Savings Accounts, Flex Spending Accounts, and other payment options to pay for your PRK procedure. Schedule your Free VIP Consultation or call our office at (800) 344‑4443 to learn more about all the options available to you!

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