Contact Us
If you have any questions about your upcoming appointment, our services, or how we can help you further, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Valley Eye Associates accepts the following insurance providers. There are numerous insurance plans we accept that may not be listed. Please check with your insurance company for coverage, or call our billing department at (920) 730‑4132.
About Health
Health Payment System (HPS)
Medicaid EDS
Network Health Plan
Network Platinum
Premium Health/Theda Bellin
Prevea Health Network
ThedaCare ACO
Traditional Medicare
Trilogy Health Network
Cigna Vision
Humana Vision
Metlife Vision
Spectera (Note: Park Place Optical is not a provider)
Superior Vision (Select Midwest Plan only)
VSP (Vision Service Plan)
VSP “Mobile Eyes” Gift Certificate
If you have any questions about your upcoming appointment, our services, or how we can help you further, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Valley Eye Associates has an expert team of ophthalmologists and optometrists to treat all of your eye care needs.