About Your Cornea
The clear “window” at the front of your eye that covers the iris and pupil is named the cornea. It bends light and focuses it on your retina. Corneas that are smooth and rounded produce vision that is sharp and clear.
Corneas can become damaged, cloudy, or misshapen, and when they do, your vision will likely become distorted or limited. A damaged cornea can also cause patients to experience swelling, sensitivity to light, glare, and ongoing irritation. Depending on severity, many patients are initially treated with corrective lenses and drops; however, if those don’t work or stop working, it’s important to seek more specialized care.
If that step becomes necessary, Valley Eye Associates offers the only fellowship-trained corneal specialist in the Fox Valley. Dr. Michael Vrabec has been a leader in corneal surgery innovation for decades. After completing a fellowship in corneal transplantation at the University of Iowa, he directed the corneal transplant and refractive surgery program at the University of Vermont. Since then, he has continued to innovate and provide the most technologically-advanced corneal treatments available.
Because many cornea disorders are genetic, treatments will begin with your personal health history, family medical history, and diagnostic screenings to give your doctor the best possible information to formulate a custom treatment plan.
After corrective lenses and drops and depending on your needs, corneal care usually advances into one of three main treatment areas — transplants, cross-linking, or Intacs.